The book - Your Battle, discussing Good vs Evil
Excerpt 1
This book answers questions like:
How can I triumph over evil?
How could Jesus not sin, living in this fallen world?
How could Jesus be fully God and fully man?
Who really is this God of all creation
How can I have a relationship with God?
Come with us as we journey deep into key Bible scriptures and find incredibly clear, easy to understand answers to the deeper questions we all have about life and God.
Every religion claims to have the answer and the real god that we should submit to. Each claim that they are the right path. Most explain how we can appease God by works or following his laws. Of the thousands of religions in the world, there is only one in which a person actually invites the God of all creation inside of them and that God walks with them the rest of their life, helping them and instructing them on how to overcome evil with good. So our life’s battle is not a battle of my religion vs your religion or vice versa. It is the ultimate battle in which each of us learn how to overcome all the evils that are working to destroy our lives.
So how do we actually overcome evil. It is not as simple as just changing our will. For when our will gets weak, we fail. It is not by us becoming the aggressor, striking and destroying anything contrary to our current beliefs, that could possibly harm us. It is not by us becoming passive and letting fate take its course. We need something more. Something that will truly guide and carry us through all of the challenges of life including death.
As we search out different religions, we come to realize that the one God that created the heavens and the earth, already has in place a plan that will give us an overcoming life. Many that have lived before us have found God and lived a somewhat righteous life on earth and have gone on to spend eternity in Heaven. They have generally lived in peace with their fellow man and overcome the myriad of challenges we all face. We can also do that by believing in the real God that loves all people but gives grace and mercy to His children.
Excerpt 2
This book is what I wished someone would have taught me when I first became aware that I needed God in my life some 45 years ago. No, I would probably not have agreed with all of it back then as I had my own special set of personal truths. These personal truths were made up of my own beliefs and assumptions gathered in life up to that point. These beliefs and assumptions were so strong that I just assumed that they had to be true. But over a lifetime I have come to realize that many of these personal truths that I had believed in so strongly, they were not actually true. An interesting aspect of life is that in time, reality will collide with our personal truths, and in the end reality will win. This is a spiritual battle every living person will face. It is different for each one of us, as each of our lives are different. Some people recognize this is a spiritual battle, some don’t. If a person doesn’t recognize it as a spiritual battle they will often label people as a good or as an evil person. But that is not how reality works. People are constantly making choices. Any person is capable of making choices for good or evil. It is our choices and the choices of those that affect us, that cause us to experience good or evil. We base our choices on what we truly believe, regardless if what we believe is true or false. We have the ability to change the types of choices we make.
Excerpt 3
So this brings us to the question; how can a bright person be easily deceived without initially being aware that they have been deceived? The answer is the same way a not so smart person is deceived. We have become convinced something is true that is actually false, and we have misinterpreted those things that we just believed as something that we truly knew.